I personally have spent a lot of time reading up on effects of technology in every day life. My doctor had recommended it for general stress relief, and it became somewhat of a hobby to catch up on. In this blog post I will take you through what I personally found important and how it helped!
I quickly noticed I had phone anxiety
This article describes a legitimate issue called NOMOPHOBIA - when you do not have access to cellular connectivity.
While mine was not that severe, I recognized it similar to when I heard about smokers, where I was antsy and nervous without checking it or having it constantly. This is when I took a moment to ask myself why I was checking it, to begin to break down the habit. I realized it was mostly to stay updated with what other people were posting. I had realized I felt bored without the constant checking.
I think the most interesting articles I read focused on how technology is making our generation lose their mindfulness. What I mean by this, is the loss of appreciative moments with your self- the acknowledgment of individuals surroundings is losing meaning. People shape their lives around their online presence. I still fall victim to this, but I found a way to enjoy the apps without using them for instant gratification.
I didn't do a "cleanse" or anything like that, I just tried to incorporate for activities that require focus to undo the cycle of learning I had taught myself regarding the constant phone checking. After a while the cycle broke and I know constantly forget about my phone. However, when I am on it, I find it is easy to get sucked in. This is heavily due to the genius strategies of the app and content creators who use hype, play on desires, use group think, and all the many other ways it ties you in.
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